The most complete and tested transactional evidence database for the Greek & Cypriot real estate market with over 1 million recent asking prices & over 255 thousand actual transactions.
Interact with data in an incredibly easy & user-friendly way. The platform provides upon request access to a massive data pool covering the entire analytics pallet, from data collection, to deep analysis & visualization.
Our interactive maps have everything you need to know regarding the real estate market. Gain valuable real estate insights by easily accessing large amount of complex data & improve your navigation experience with a couple of clicks.
Some of key features summarized below:
- Real time country, district and parish level analysis
- Dynamic demand and supply indicators and heatmaps
- District level transactional evidence analysis shows real-time actual comparable price movements
- Data intelligence enhanced from over EUR 20bn in real estate valuations reviewed manually by in-house valuation experts
- Pre-defined report templates can be exported at a regional level to show: Price Trends, Transaction volume by region and property type across time, Catchment area analysis for the area
Realize the full value of the regional data by discovering real-time transactional data at country, district and municipality level & better support investments and business strategies.
Some of key features summarized below:
- Outsource your data analysis through our platform
- Identify and pinpoint upcoming regions through enhanced data intelligence
- View in actual transactions and asking prices for assets in the vicinity
- Export asset reports in real time on the fly
- Cleaned and reviewed transactional data to eliminate data inconsistencies
- User-defined range for analysis of transactional evidence and asking prices for any property
- Easily identify real estate price movements and hot/ cold regions
Make accurate, reliable & quick valuations using the most detailed analysis in transactional data and asking prices in Greece & Cyprus.
Our Automated Valuation Model uses:
- Over 100k recent asking prices
- Over 3000k actual transactions
- Supported by over €25bn valued